Variations in Reading Behaviours
“Variations in Reading Behaviours: What Makes a Difference?” is the title of Professor Carol Tenopir’s lecture in honour and memory of Stephen and Marion Johnson in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, at the University of British Columbia, on November 12. The abstract of this talk shows interesting findings about academic reading patterns such as: “... academics read more articles on average now than in the past, but spend less time on each reading. They search for and read scholarly articles for many reasons, including research, teaching, and current awareness and access articles from print and electronic library journal collections, personal print and electronic subscriptions, from authors and colleagues, and from the open web. Overall averages show changes over time, but reading patterns vary depending on some personal characteristics of readers, such as academic department, work responsibilities, and age, and by some characteristics of the individual reading, such as purpose of reading.”