Information Management in a Changing World
The 2nd International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World, will be held in Ankara, Turkey, from 22-24 September 2010. The conference’s main theme is “The Impact of Technological Convergence and Social Networks on Information Management”. According the conference’s call for paper, their main topics are: Technological Convergence and Information Management; Social Networks and Web 2.0 Technologies; Convergence, Social Networks and Education; Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage; Socialization of Information and Convergence; Information Organization; Information Architecture and Information Retrieval; and Interdisciplinary Studies. The narrower areas within the above-mentioned broad fields include many research topics such as: digital information services, digital collection management, web 2.0 and reference services, virtual libraries , M-libraries, Library 2.0, convergence and records management , Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Semantic Web, incorporating user-created content in library collections, blogs, wikis, RSS, second life, use of social networks, folksonomies, digital natives, digital immigrants, protection of private information, digital rights management, identity management, peputation management, Web 2.0 technologies and education for information management, distance education and convergence, digitization of cultural heritage, digital re-discovery of culture, digital museums and exhibitions, right to access to digital information, the concept of public space in social networks, ontology development, metadata harvesting, interoperability and standards, information architecture and web design, designing usable web sites, cognitive sciences and information management. For more information please visit the conference website.