Semantic Web and Web 2.0
Workshop on the Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics will be held in September 28, 2007 at the University of Augsburg. In their email to ASIS they mentioned that "... the Semantic Web enables programs/agents toautomatically understand what data is about, and therefore, bridge the, so-called, semantic gap between the ways in which users request web resources and the real needs of those users, ultimately improving the quality of web information retrieval. Multimedia information has always been part of the Semantic Web paradigm, but, in general, has been discussed very simplistically by the Semantic Web community. List of toics which are covered in the workshop are Multimedia ontologies, Media ontology learning, Multimedia extraction and annotation, Semantics-based search and integration of multimedia and digital content, Emergent semantics, Folksonomies, Genre detection, Semantics enabled multimedia applications (including search, browsing, retrieval, visualization), Semantics enabled...