
Showing posts from November, 2008

The 21st Century Information Landscape

The Canadian Association for Information Science seeks abstract submissions for its 37th Annual Conference, to be held May 28-30, 2009 at Carleton University. The conference theme is “Mapping the 21st Century Information Landscape: Borders, Bridges and Byways”. For more information please see this site .

Knowledge Management and Information Science

Irandoc and ILISA are going to run their first joint conference in 14 April 2009 to explore the links between Knowledge Management and Information Science. The conference title is "Knowledge Management and Information Science: Links and Interactions" and I am a member its scientific committee. More information on the conference's theme and its topics will appear here soon.

Information Literacy in Five Levels

The 128th issue of Ketab-e-Mah Koliyat was a special issue on Information Literacy. Ketab-e-Mah Koliyat is a monthly journal which covers various aspects of LIS and book reviews in LIS and I am a member of its editorial board. In the especial issue I wrote the editorial note entitled "Information Literacy and its Five Levels" and explained that during the last three decades Information Literacy has been considered in various contexts which I would categorize them into five categories. Hopefully, in the near future I will translate a summary of it in English to post it on this weblog. Meanwhile, the Persian version of this note is accessible here .

Workshop for ICSA

Two weeks ago I delivered a workshop on academic writing for a group of researchers in education at the Mazandaran University. The workshop was held in conjunction with the eighth annual conference of the Iranian Curriculum Studies Association . At the last day of the conference, I also made a speech about the invisible web for the members of the ICT SIG of the association. In general, it was a great chance for me to meet people from other areas and discuss my interdisciplinary interests with them.

A Panel on the Book Week

Two days ago I took part in a live radio panel which was about the "Book Week" in Iran and the related issues to reading habits in the society. In addition to these topics I also briefly talked about the information literacy and how it affects our information seeking behaviours. Just in case you would like to listen to it you can download the file on the archive section of this address on Saturday 15 November, 2008 from 18:00 to 19:30 pm.

New Papers

The following papers were published recently: Mansourian, Y., Ford, N., Webber, S., Madden, A. (2008). An integrative model of "information visibility" and "information seeking" on the web, Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 402 - 417 Mansourian, Y. (2008). Keeping a learning diary to enhance researchers' understanding of and users' skills in web searching, Library Review, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 690 – 699.