
Showing posts from November, 2009

Time Management and Study Skills

Yesterday I had a workshop on “Time Management and Study Skills” for LIS students at TMU. It was my first experience of running a workshop on this topic, and I found it very interesting. The participants showed their great interest and we had a lot to talk about. In particular, as the topic is related to everyone’s everyday life, they actively participated in the discussions. Hopefully, we all can improve our Time Management and our Study Skills!

Future Librarians

I made a speech at the National Library for a group of new LIS students from different Iranian universities on last Tuesday, 17 November. It was part of a briefing session entitled “Future Librarians” which was held by the federation of LIS student associations in Iran with the collaboration of ILISA. My speech’s title was: “An Experience of Being a Librarian: A Narration of Learning Opportunities”. I'll upload the PowerPoint slides on my homepage.

Information Management in a Changing World

The “ International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World ”, will take place in September 22-24, 2010, in Ankara, Turkey. The main conference’s theme is “The Impact of Technological Convergence and Social Networks on Information Management” and the topics include: Technological Convergence and Information Management, Social Networks and Web 2.0 Technologies, Convergence, Social Networks and Education, Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Socialization of Information and Convergence, Information Organization, Information Architecture and Information Retrieval, and Interdisciplinary Studies.