
Showing posts from July, 2006

ICDL 2006

International Conference on Digital Libraries ( ICDL 2006 ) will be held from December 5-8, 2006 at India Habitat Center, New Delhi. The theme of the proposed conference is Digital Libraries: Information Management for Global Access and it will focus on creation, adoption, implementation and utilization of digital libraries (DL), e-learning and knowledge society.

New Issue of Webology

The new issue of Webology is available online now. I have done an interview with Professor Peter Willett which has been published in this issue. The detail is as follows: Mansourian, Y. (2006). " Chemoinformatics and the World Wide Web: An Interview with Professor Peter Willett ." Webology, 3(2), Article 27. Available at:

Information Commons

Information Commons is an initiative at the University of Sheffield which is defined as: “… more than a library, more than a study space, more than an IT centre; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So the Information Commons deserved a new name for a new concept.” Information Commons seems to me as a new form of libraries in the 21st century. What is more important than the physical form of Information Commons is the valuable concept behind it which is Inquiry-Based Learning. According to their website: “Inquiry-based learning is a strongly student-centred approach that places research at the heart of the student learning experience. Student-led inquiries, including research through case- and problem-based methods as well as more open-ended investigations and projects, are the means of engaging students actively and creatively with the questions and problems of their academic discipline. The skills that students develop will be particularly applicable to their future employ...

ASIS&T 2006

ASIS&T annual meeting in 2006 is called ‘ Information Realities: Shaping the Digital Future for All ’ and will be held in Hilton Austin, Texas from third to eight of November 2006. The full program is available now at this address . My friend, Hamid who is a PhD student at UCL has a joint paper with his supervisor at the conference. Their paper is about information-seeking behaviour of scientists.


MagPortal is a specialized search engine which enables you to search online articles on the web.

20 July 2006

I just post this entry now to remember today as it was a good day for me and for my research about the 'Invisible Web'. That’s all.


Intute is the new version of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN), which is a free online service enabling web users to access quality web-based resources. Intute includes the eight hubs of the RDN (SOSIG, EEVL, Humbul, BIOME, Artifact, PSIgate, GeSource, Altis) and the Virtual Training Suite.

First Monday

New issue of First Monday is available now.

Real or Virtual!

We all know what we mean by the virtual world and how it differs with the real world. However, it seems to me that nowadays the virtual world is getting closer to the real world. Perhaps it sounds a little bit bizarre, but sometimes I think where this virtual world is really! For example, since today morning I have been living in the virtual world more than the real world. I checked my email, sent and got messages; I did online banking, checked out my car’s MOT number on the online database and read the news. Like everyone else, I frequently do online shopping, book train ticket, book hotel reservation, pay my gas and electricity bills, top-up my mobile phone and more interestingly I do blogging and now you are reading my posts and all of these things happen in the virtual world, somewhere in the space. Anyway, I just thought the virtual world should not be as virtual as we suppose.

Research Methods

This is just a quick link to a gateway about social science research method .

Information Competence

Although the contents of this website are not up-to-date, it seems interesting to have a look. The website is all about Information Competence .

Conference Report

I attended the conference of ‘Is e-Learning an Answer to IPE?’ which I mentioned yesterday. It was interesting in terms of learning about a number of current issues in the explored areas including pedagogic and institutional considerations in the implementation of IPE and e-Learning. Moreover, there were some discussions about other issues such as Community of Practice (CoP), WebCT, ICT, Moodle and so on.

Is e-Learning an Answer to IPE?

I am going to attend a conference in Sheffield called 'Is e-Learning an Answer to IPE ?' I will write a short report about the conference afterwards.

Rresearch culture & Scholarship Plan

This is an interesting paper to read: Developing a research culture and scholarship plan in information studies . The full bibliographic information is: Middleton, Michael and Bruce, Christine and Partridge, Helen and Edwards, Sylvia (2005) Developing a research culture and scholarship plan in information studies. In Proceedings 2nd Seminar on Research Applications in Information and Library Studies, Canberra.