Inquiry-Based Learning in ICS
I just learned that the January 2008 issue of Italics will focus on Inquiry-based Learning in Information and Computer Sciences. In their call for contribution they stated that "... this Special Issue will provide an opportunity to explore current developments and questions in inquiry-based learning from the perspective of the ICS disciplines. Questions that may be addressed by the Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following: What is the current 'state of play' in inquiry-based learning practice and innovation in ICS? What methods are being used in different curriculum areas, with what effects? What is the value of inquiry-based learning in ICS contexts? What are the specific, discipline-related issues or concerns to which inquiry-based learning relates? What do experience, evaluation and research tell us about effective design, facilitation and assessment of inquiry-based learning, at different levels of the curriculum? What are the challenges and issues of inquiry-based learning in our disciplines and subject areas, and how can we address these? How are digital technologies, including Web 2.0 tools and environments, being used to support student inquiry and with what effects on the student experience? How do students from diverse backgrounds – including international students - perceive and experience inquiry-based learning? What are the implications for engaging students more effectively in inquiry, and for developing practice?"