Collaborative Information Seeking and Sharing
An annual research symposium of the Special Interest Group on Information Needs, Seeking & Use (SIG USE) will take place on Saturday, November 7, 2009, in Vancouver. According to their call for participation “ ... this symposium will offer guided reflection on essential questions around information behaviour research and practice in social and collaborative information environments: Where is collaborative information behaviour research headed? How are we to communicate our insights to researchers and practitioners in related areas of study and design? How can and should our models, theories and findings inform the design and delivery of collaborative and innovative information products and services? Applicants are invited to reflect on the four questions that will frame the symposium and present ways that their research addresses them: * How does our research address the transformative relationship between people and information? * What are the fundamental questions that we should be looking at in our research? * How are we to move towards making a greater impact on organizations and designers? * How can or should collaborative information behaviour research be presented to translate effectively into the language of other information research communities?