UMAP 2010

The 18th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2010) will take place in Hawaii, June 20-24, 2010. In the conference’s call for submission the topics include the following categories:

- Purposes of UMAP: personalizing information, recommending products, tailoring search results, enhancing learning outcomes, personalizing help, assuming routine tasks, adapting interfaces.

- User characteristics for UMAP: knowledge and skills, interests and preferences, special needs, affective states, goals and plans, contexts of use, roles, cultural characteristics.

- Application domains for UMAP: e-commerce, e-learning, cultural heritage, healthcare, assistive technologies, digital libraries, office work, recommender systems, targeted advertisement, digital TV.

- Environments for UMAP: web-based systems (including the semantic/social Web), desktop systems, groupware systems, mobile and wearable systems, smart environments, smart objects, virtual environments.

- Computational methods for UMAP: data collection, user model extraction and representation, adaptation methods, architectures for UMAP.

- Evaluation of UMAP: requirements specification, formative evaluation, user testing, validation, performance tests.

- Practical aspects of UMAP: privacy and security, cost-justifying and, valuing user experience.

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