Streams in an Information Ecosystem

ASIST 2010 will consist of the following six tracks including:

Track 1 – Information Behaviour
Information needs, information seeking, information gaps and sense-making in various contexts including work, interests or every-day life activities by individuals or groups.

Track 2 – Knowledge Organization
Indexing, index construction, indexing languages, thesaurus construction, terminology, classification of information in any form, tagging (expert, user-based, automatic), filtering, metadata, standards for metadata, information architecture.

Track 3 – Information Systems, Interactivity and Design
How people use and communicate with information systems; the design, use and evaluation of interactive information technologies and systems, including interfaces and algorithms; search and retrieval, browsing, visualization, personalization.

Track 4 – Information and Knowledge Management
Information and knowledge creation, transfer and use at the personal, group, organizational and societal levels. The management of the processes and systems that create, acquire, organize, store, distribute, and use information and/or knowledge. Selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Information Management.

Track 5 – Information Use
How people re-purpose existing knowledge from a variety of sources (scientific, humanities, news, family, friends, colleagues), forms (articles, books, video, audio, tweets), locations (work, home, in transit) and mediums (cell-phones, PDAs, digital libraries) to advance knowledge, solve problems, improve information literacy, and learn.

Track 6 – Information and Society: Economic, Political, Social Issues
Copyright issues, policies and laws; national and international information policies; privacy and security; economics of information, personal rights vs. freedom of information; surveillance; globalization and the flows of information; computerization movements; social informatics.

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