New Library World Current Issue
New Library World journal has published the 11/12th issue of its 111 Volume. The following papers appeared in this issue.
Public libraries as impartial spaces in a consumer society: possible, plausible, desirable?
Social networking in academic libraries: the possibilities and the concerns,
Library design, learning spaces and academic literacy,
Implementation of the Finnish University Libraries National Information Literacy
Recommendation into academic studies at the Kumpula Science Library, University of Helsinki,
Customizing an open-source tool to enhance information literacy,
Reference tools in Second Life: implications for real life libraries,
Project management in the library.
Public libraries as impartial spaces in a consumer society: possible, plausible, desirable?
Social networking in academic libraries: the possibilities and the concerns,
Library design, learning spaces and academic literacy,
Implementation of the Finnish University Libraries National Information Literacy
Recommendation into academic studies at the Kumpula Science Library, University of Helsinki,
Customizing an open-source tool to enhance information literacy,
Reference tools in Second Life: implications for real life libraries,
Project management in the library.